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'lo HUGE's

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 9:16 pm
by Beuhar
HUGE Huge's :D

Spending phew time to come ,say HUGE and ask how are you all. 8)

Still Waiting for WoW Beta Europe... ;)

DOOMIE, WTH R U doing ? Only 211 ?... Phhh La'Z boy :twisted: Hope you've allready got your full Tier3 stuff... Or maybe some Beast cool stuff hehehe...

WHAT ?!?! Top is still 219... Is AO player DB outdated ?... :shock:

PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 6:55 am
by Doominator
woot, nice to hear from you beuhar, hope you enjoying rk4 ;)
Sure miss those raids with "no HNTA for j00" ;)
I havent leveled for ages, and the reason is Im sorta on a little break..Im waiting for my new connection and should be powrleveling sometime late august again :)

btw, wanted to ask you something, if you not are using your botscript mind if I have a look at it?...You can PM or email me if you like

cya beuhar and come back soon ;)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 10:42 am
by Asaerje
Beu! Glad to see you :). Come back, man :) And quick please :D. We have many changes in "game mechanics" ("lovely FC"). I hope next add-on will be more interesting then our "AnarchyOnline: The New Shaolin Expansion Pack (aka 15.5.5 patch)". My email, we can talk on mail, if you havn't time on the forum =)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 9:44 pm
by Insilico
Sup beuhar 8)

PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 12:19 pm
by Aldri
Top wanted to be the first 220 Fixer on Rimor and since Alpex was the first he quit the game and plays L2 now :cry: