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Spam vol 2

PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 11:07 pm
by Silje
Ok, I think this forum need some more "fun" post so I found these two movies someone in teh basement of the IC forums.
You might have seen em before, they are classic :D

PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 11:10 pm
by Silje
BTW, first movie is about a terrorist know as "Insillico" and 2nd is about the dictator "Prion" :twisted:

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 5:42 am
by Doominator
spam spam spam..Just send me a pm, I know you want me;)

Also, our recruiting is halted atm Silje so you gotta be "on hold" to join us ;)

Gonna check the flashys when I get home on a faster connection..

PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 9:13 pm
by Silje
hmrf, not easy dragging your lazy butts out to post I see

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 1:48 am
by zenzio
We love you too \o/

Just takes so much effort to... uhm... I lost my trail of thought... Oh, right, to come up with a proper reply. Yeah, that's it...

-- Zenzio